List of Governor-Generals of India [Current Affairs]

The Governor-General of India was the highest-ranking official in British India, representing the British monarch in India. This position was established by the British East India Company in 1773, and later, the Governor-General became the head of the British administration in India until India gained independence in 1947. Below is a list of notable Governor-Generals of India with brief information about their contributions.

Governor Generals of India

The British territories in India were divided into three administrative units called Presidencies: Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, each governed by a Governor. The supreme authority was the Governor-General, with Warren Hastings being the first Governor-General of Bengal. This article covers the Governors-General of India, their achievements, and key reforms during their tenures, a topic often featured in competitive exams like the IAS Exam. General awareness, crucial yet often overlooked by candidates, plays a significant role in many entrance exams, accounting for around 25% of the questions.

List of Governor-Generals of India

The list of Governor-Generals of India includes important leaders who governed British India. From Warren Hastings, the first Governor-General, to Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, the last, each played a significant role in shaping policies, reforms, and administration during their respective tenures.

Governor-Generals & Viceroys Term Events During Regime
Warren Hastings 1773- 1785 ·         Regulating Act of 1773

·         Pitt’s India Act of 1784

·         The Rohilla War of 1774

·         The First Maratha War in 1775-82 and the Treaty of Salbai in 1782

·         Second Mysore War in 1780-84

Lord Cornwallis 1786 – 1793 ·         Third Mysore War (1790-92) and Treaty of Seringapatam (1792)

·         Cornwallis Code (1793)

·         Permanent Settlement of Bengal, 1793

Lord Wellesley 1798 – 1805 ·         Introduction of the Subsidiary Alliance System (1798)

·         Fourth Mysore War (1799)

·         Second Maratha War (1803-05)

Lord Minto 1807 – 1813 ·         Treaty of Amritsar with Ranjit Singh (1809)
Lord Hastings 1813 – 1823 ·         Anglo-Nepal War (1814-16) and the Treaty of Sagauli, 1816

·         Third Maratha War (1817-19) and dissolution of Maratha Confederacy

·         Establishment of Ryotwari System (1820)

Lord Amherst 1823 – 1828 ·         First Burmese War (1824-1826)
Lord William Bentick 1828 – 1835 ·         Abolition of Sati System (1829)

·         Charter Act of 1833

Lord Auckland 1836 – 1842 ·         First Afghan War (1838-42)
Lord Hardinge 1844 – 1848 ·         First Anglo-Sikh War (1845-46) and the Treaty of Lahore (1846).

·         Social reforms like the abolition of female infanticide

Lord Dalhousie 1848 – 1856 ·         Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49)

·         The annexation of Lower Burma (1852)

·         Introduction of the Doctrine of Lapse

·         Wood’s Despatch 1854

·         Laying down of first railway line connecting Bombay and Thane in 1853

·         Laying down of first railway line connecting Bombay and Thane in 1853

·         Establishment of PWD

Lord Canning 1856 – 1862 ·         Revolt of 1857

·         Establishment of three universities at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in 1857

·         Abolition of East India Company and transfer of control to the Crown by the Government of India Act, 1858

·         Indian Councils Act of 1861

Lord John Lawrence 1864 – 1869 ·         Bhutan War (1865)

·         Establishment of the High Courts at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras (1865)

Lord Lytton 1876 – 1880 ·         The Vernacular Press Act (1878)

·         The Arms Act (1878)

·         The Second Afghan War (1878-80)

·         Queen Victoria assumed the title of ‘Kaiser-i-Hind’ or Queen Empress of India

Lord Ripon 1880 – 1884 ·         Repeal of the Vernacular Press Act (1882)

·         The first Factory Act (1881)

·         Government resolution on local self-government (1882)

·         The Ilbert Bill controversy (1883-84)

·         Hunter Commission on education (1882)

Lord Dufferin 1884 – 1888 ·         The Third Burmese War (1885-86).

·         Establishment of the Indian National Congress (1885)

Lord Lansdowne 1888 – 1894 ·         Factory Act (1891).

·         Indian Councils Act (1892).

·         Setting up of Durand Commission (1893)

Lord Curzon 1899 – 1905 ·         Appointment of Police Commission (1902)

·         Appointment of Universities Commission (1902)

·         Indian Universities Act (1904).

·         Partition of Bengal (1905)

Lord Minto II 1905 – 1910 ·         Swadeshi Movements. (1905-11)

·         Surat Split of Congress (1907)

·         Establishment of Muslim League (1906)

·         Morley-Minto Reforms(1909)

Lord Hardinge II 1910 – 1916 ·         Annulment of Partition of Bengal (1911)

·         Transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi (1911).

·         Establishment of the Hindu Mahasabha (1915)

Lord Chelmsford 1916 – 1921 ·         Lucknow pact (1916)

·         Champaran Satyagraha (1917)

·         Montagu’s August Declaration (1917)

·         Government of India Act (1919)

·         The Rowlatt Act (1919)

·         Jallianwalla Bagh massacre (1919)

·         Launch of Non-Cooperation and Khilafat Movements

Lord Reading 1921 – 1926 ·         Chauri Chaura incident (1922)

·         Withdrawal of Non-Cooperation Movement (1922)

·         Establishment of Swaraj Party(1922)

·         Kakori train robbery (1925)

Lord Irwin 1926 – 1931 ·         Simon Commission to India (1927)

·         Harcourt Butler Indian States Commission (1927)

·         Nehru Report (1928)

·         Deepavali Declaration (1929)

·         Lahore session of the Congress (Purna Swaraj Resolution) 1929

·         Dandi March and the Civil Disobedience Movement (1930)

·         First Round Table Conference (1930)

·         Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931)

Lord Willingdon 1931 – 1936 ·         Communal Award (1932)

·         Second & Third Round Table Conference (1932)

·         Poona Pact (1932)

·         Government of India Act of 1935

Lord Linlithgow 1936 – 1944 ·         Resignation of the Congress ministries after the outbreak of the Second World War (1939)

·         Tripuri Crisis & formation of Forward Bloc (1939)

·         Lahore Resolution of the Muslim League (demand for a separate state for Muslims) 1940

·         ‘August Offer’ (1940)

·         Formation of the Indian National Army (1941)

·         Cripps Mission (1942)

·         Quit India Movement (1942)

Lord Wavell 1944 – 1947 ·         C. Rajagopalachari’s CR Formula (1944)

·         Wavell Plan and the Simla Conference (1942)

·         Cabinet Mission (1946)

·         Direct Action Day (1946)

·         Announcement of end of British rule in India by Clement Attlee (1947)

Lord Mountbatten 1947 – 1948 ·         June Third Plan (1947)

·         Redcliff commission (1947)

·         India’s Independence (15 August 1947)

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari 1948 – 1950 ·         Last Governor-General of India, before the office, was permanently abolished in 1950

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Source: currentaffairs by adda247

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