Martfury – Marketplace Multipurpose eCommerce Magento 2 Theme


A best marketplace and multivendor template in 2024. You can easily change your Magento shop appearance by installing a new theme in a few easy steps. With all of its simplicity a Magento theme is provided with all the necessary source files that you can edit or extend the way you need.


Magento 2.3.x, 2.4.x – 2.4.7-p1 and PHP 8.2, 8.3 compatibility

New Native Lazy Load feature SEO friendly
Automatically calculate the size of the box

Compatiable with Marketplace extensions on Magento market like Webkul, Mageplaza, … Webkul Multivendor Marketpalce

FlexibleMartfury - Marketplace Multipurpose eCommerce Magento 2 Theme - 1

Discount Percent on Configurable ProductMartfury - Marketplace Multipurpose eCommerce Magento 2 Theme - 2

Ajax Search
Martfury - Marketplace Multipurpose eCommerce Magento 2 Theme - 3

ElasticSuite compatibility
Martfury - Marketplace Multipurpose eCommerce Magento 2 Theme - 4

Martfury - Marketplace Multipurpose eCommerce Magento 2 Theme - 5

Editor Syntax Highlight
editor syntax highlight

Multiple Colors
multiple color

Ajax Filter
Ajax Search
Ajax Infinite Scroll
Ajax Compare
Ajax Wishlist
Ajax Cart
Newsletter Popup
Editor Syntax Highlight – Easily customizable code
Widget Plus – Cross-Sell Products
Widget Plus – Recently Viewed Products
Widget Plus – Static Block
Widget Plus – Products: Featured Products
Widget Plus – Products: New Products
Widget Plus – Products: Bestsellers
Widget Plus – Products: Most Viewed
Widget Plus – Products: Discount
Widget Plus – Products: Top Ratting
Widget Plus – Products: Related Products
Widget Plus – Products: Up-Sell Products
Widget Plus – Products: Random Products
Magefan Blog

— Featured function:
Full lazy load – SEO friendly
Bootstrap 4 – Grid
One-Click – Demo Import
Google Font – Webfont Loader improve perfomance
Easy change color
Product Gallery Image Zoom
Sticky header
Standard SEO code
Products, Categories & Attributes autocomplete – Elasticsuite
Autocomplete in layered navigation filters – Elasticsuite
Enhanced price slider – Elasticsuite
Multiple select in layered navigation – Elasticsuite
Compatible with CedCommerce Multivendor Marketplace and other Multi-vendor extensions on the market.

— Compatible with Magebig Extension (not include in theme):
Fast checkout for Magento
Convert images to WebP automatically for Magento
Speed optimization for Magento

martfury demo

Change log

Martfury v4.0.4 - Jul 01, 2024
- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.7-p1
- Fixed ElasticSuite Layered Navigation

Martfury v4.0.3 - May 14, 2024
- Fixed all products showing the same price (cached) for ajax widget products
- Improve HTML validation for
- Improve minor styles 

Martfury v4.0.2 - 05/02/2024
- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.7
- Improve outline for links, buttons when used tab keyboard
- Update magefan blog

Martfury v4.0.1 - 03/04/2024
- Fixed product tab for home layout 05
- Fixed add to cart when active ajax widget
- Update magefan blog

Martfury v4.0 - 02/16/2024
- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.6-p4
- Add Ajax lazy load for Widget plus
- Improve catalog menu performance
- Improve page speed score
- Correct max price by category for Price Slider
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v3.9 - 10/11/2023
- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.6-p3
- Improve ajax wishlist image for configurable product
- Fixed duplicate configurable products in wishlist items
- Improve search layout
- Update Magefan blog
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v3.8 - 6/19/2023
- Improve Google Page Speed Score
- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.6-p1, 2.4.7-beta1
- Add option Display product tab as Tab or Accordion
- Add option Product description View more / View less
- Add option Enable/Disable Sticky Add to Cart
- Imporve Smart Menu performance
- Reduce unuse js/css

Martfury v3.7 - 4/15/2023
- Upgrade Magefan blog for PHP 8.2
- Remove some unused Magento js files.
- Imporve critical loading and minor styles

Martfury v3.7 - 3/15/2023
- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.6
- Fully compatiable with PHP 8.2

Martfury v3.6 - 10/08/2022
- Fixed ajax filter on mobile

Martfury v3.6 - 09/15/2022

- Add option to show Critical SVG logo loading
- Add option to change product gallery width
- Improve google pagespeed score
- Fixed gallery layout when change product image ratio
- Update Magefand blog
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v3.5 - 08/10/2022

- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.5
- Fixed AjaxSearch when enabe suggested field
- Fixed AjaxFilter Display Search Box
- Restore price on dropdown options of configurable product
- Update Magefand blog
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v3.4 - 04/18/2022

- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.4 and Magento 2.3.7-p3
- Add pagination option for brand page
- Add discount label for configurable product dropdown
- Add new PayPal logo
- Fixed hide newsletter popup
- Update Magefan Blog
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v3.3 - 11/11/2021

- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.3-p1 and Magento 2.3.7-p2
- Add native lazy load for CMS editor
- Fixed discount label for recently viewed widget
- Improve critical css
- Update Magefan Blog
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v3.2 - 09/01/2021

- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.3
- Add ajax for newsletter
- Fixed google recaptcha for newsletter
- Fixed google recaptcha not reloading after ajax update
- Improve cms syntax highlight module
- Improve customer dashboard page
- Improve order detail page
- Drop support Magento 2.2.x
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v3.1 - 06/01/2021
- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.2-p1 and Magento 2.3.7
- Update Social Login with HybridAuth v3.7
- Fixed Ajax price filter and ajax pagination
- Fixed brand description and brand search url
- Update Magefan Blog
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v3.0 - 03/02/2021
- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.2 and Magento 2.3.6-p1
- Add ajax Add to cart for Recently Viewed Products
- Add discount label for Recently Viewed Products
- Improve Lazy load effect
- Fixed ajax infinite scroll with configurable swatches
- Update Magefan Blog
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v2.9 - 01/07/2021
- Improve FilterAjax
- Improve Filter by rating
- Improve Sort by rating
- Improve Lazyload speed
- Add reCaptcha for SocialLogin popup
- Fixed brand meta data
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v2.8 - 10/18/2020

- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.1 and Magento 2.3.6
- Improve validation form
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v2.7 - 10/05/2020

- Add Lazy Load feature - SEO friendly
- Add hover product image feature
- Add animation for widget slider
- Improve webfontloader performance
- Improve brand load performance
- Improve sticky menu
- Imporve checkout layout
- Improve Syntax Highlight code editor
- Fixed 2FA backend login
- Fixed category field of widget cached in CMS page
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v2.6 - 08/17/2020

- Add new product layout 3 columns (sidebar)
- Add new page Special Offers
- Add option enable/disable Bottom Menu Mobile
- Add option enable/disable Button Menu on top menu
- Fixed Shopbybrand in Magento 2.3.5-p2
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v2.6 - 08/08/2020

- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.0
- Add new Shop By Brand extension
- Fixed swatches in catalog list view
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v2.5 - 05/08/2020

- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.3.5
- Add new Ajax Filter extension
- Add new Ajax Search extension
- Add new Ajax Infinite Scroll extension
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v2.4 - 03/03/2020

- Improve UI Ajax Cart
- Improve UI Mobile
- Improve UI WidgetPlus
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v2.3 - 01/05/2020

- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.3.4
- Improve SmartMenu performance
- Improve gallery images of product
- Improve Quick View
- Improve Wishlist page
- Update Magefan Blog
- Update Social login with Google Recaptcha v3
- Fixed checkout on Magento 2.3.4
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v2.2 - 11/20/2019

- Add new layout - Home Kids
- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.3.3
- Improve Quick View
- Improve Critical Css
- Improve jquery ui
- Update Magefan Blog
- Fixed Social Login compile
- Fixed product title in minicart
- Improve minor styles

Martfury v2.1 - 07/10/2019

- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.3.2
- Improve menu mobile
- Improve loading product gallery images
- Improve Widget Plus performance
- Improve CMS Syntax Highlight - add dracula theme
- Fixed recaptcha for Social Login (Magento 2.3.2)
- Add Widget Plus - Instagram Feed

Martfury v2.0 - 06/12/2019

- Improve global messages display as popup
- Fixed quickview for product with custom option
- Fixed button wishlist in quickview popup
- Fixed google social login
- Update Magefan Blog

Martfury v1.9 - 04/01/2019

Update Complete-package to Magento 2.3.1

Martfury v1.8 - 03/01/2019

- Fixed Social Login on IE browser
- Update Magefan Blog
- Update minor style

Martfury v1.7 - 01/10/2019

- Add Google reCapcha for Social login popup (Magento 2.3)
- Fixed save Design Configuration for multiple websites
- Fixed layout break when flush cache
- Improve global font size, based on Luma theme

Martfury v1.6 - 12/07/2018

- Compatiable with Magento 2.3
- Add sticky Add To Cart button in product page
- Fixed menu when enable Flat Catalog
- Fixed can not save form checkout in admin
- Improve mobile style

Martfury v1.5 - 11/08/2018

- Add new home layout --- Martfury 05 - Market
- Add Widget++ Product Tabs
- Add setting Layout Full Width
- Improve Widget++ Products
- Improve Owl Carousel
- Improve style
- Fixed product page break when title has double quote
- Fixed active the theme not work on Magento 2.4
- Fixed scrollbar on cart

Martfury v1.4 - 09/20/2018
Fix currency symbol and price cached on Widget products when change currency
Fix countdown product page not showing when change locale
Fix minor style
Update complete package to magento 2.2.6

Martfury v1.3 - 08/20/2018
- Add RTL layout
- Use Off Canvas for Layered Navigation on mobile
- Fixed Sorting in Catalog when use Elasticsuite
- Fixed Enable/Disable button in widget product
- Improve checkout page

Martfury v1.2 - 07/26/2018
Add new home layout --- Martfury - Furniture
Add countdown for product view
Add discount percent for catalog list
Add mega menu horizontal layout
Add logo for navigation mobile
Add Sociallogin extension
Show discount percent for configurable product
Show configurable product in Best Seller Products
Change loader gif to css
Update Ajax Add To Cart
Fix Ajax Compare and Wishlist
Fix Elasticsuite attribute filter Facet max. size
Fix menu not showing when using Varnish cache

Martfury v1.1 - 21/05/2018
Add new home layout --- Martfury - Organic
Updates for GPRD - The EU's General Data Protection Regulation
Add cookie notification pop up
Using Local Fonts instead of Google Fonts
Fix the url of flag image
Fix generate static content when change the locale


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