Canvas | The Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template


button button button
button button button

Canvas is a Powerful, Responsive & Raw Multi-Purpose Multi-Page & One-Page HTML5 Template based on Latest Bootstrap 5 Framework with Super Dark Mode and RTL Support. Build whatever you like with Canvas, be it Business, Corporate, Medical, SEO, Travel, Construction, Real Estate, Store, Yoga, Crowd-Funding, Burger, Landing, Hostel, Beauty, Media Agency, CoWorking, Law Firm, Kindergarten, Recipes, Articles, Packers & Movers, Photography, News, Non-Profit, Conference, eCommerce, Shop, Photographer, Office, Job, Listing, Course, Rental, Hosting, Gym, Music, Barber, CV/Resume, Speaker, Podcasts, Jewelry, Boutique, SAAS, NFT Marketplace, Skincare, Insurance, Cafe, Marketing, Interface, Interior Design, Spa, Pets, Portfolio, Agency, eLearning, Warehouse, Architecture, Freelancer, Computer, Academic, Drone, Robotics, Hotel, Education, Building, Tourism, Magazine, Parallax, Furniture, Finance, Minimal, Complex, Wine, Projects, Home, Videography, Supplements, Football Club, Masonry, Gallery, CV, Therapy, COVID-19, Wedding, Personal, Doctors, eBook, Gaming, Projects, Supplement, Home Decor, Football Club, Videography, Christmas, Restaurant, Blog or App Showcase just everything is possible with Canvas. Our Template Package includes a Total of 180+ Ready-to-Use Websites including Niche Demos, Homepage Templates with One-Page Templates along with 220+ Prebuilt Blocks and a Total of 1400+ HTML Templates within the Package, it is this huge. Amazing flexibility, Dark Scheme, Super Shortcodes, RTL Compatibility, 2000+ UI Elements, Raw Bootstrap & Scalable Responsive Features makes Canvas standout from the crowd. Try out the demo.

No.1 Template of all Time with 1400+ Demos. Bootstrap 5 + SCSS + Dark Mode with RTL. Trusted by 70000+ & Lifetime Free Updates with Github Access.



Niche Demos


Package Generator


youtube video


Mobile Nav

Home Pages

button button button

One Page Demos

Revolution Sliders


eCommerce Ready


Walkthrough Videos


Header Layouts


OnePage Options

Page Layouts

Portfolio Styles

Portfolio Layouts

Portfolio Options

Blog Layouts


Loader Title

Loader 1Loader 2Loader 3Loader 4Loader 5Loader 6Loader 7Loader 8Loader 9Loader 10Loader 11Loader 12Loader 13Loader 14



Version 7.3.1 – 8th December 2023

- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Random Tips Element triggering multiple times
- Fixed: Issue with Side Panel push functionality not working well with Slider Inners when using without Slider Parallax
- Fixed: Issue with HTML5 Full Video Posters not working on Mobile Devices when using Lazy Loading
- Fixed: Issue with Page Transition BG in Gaming Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Award Icons SVG dimensions in Gaming Niche Demo

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.3 – 24th November 2023

- Added: Gaming Niche Demo
- Added: eBook Niche Demo
- Added: Doctors Niche Demo
- Added: Personal Niche Demo
- Added: Auto AJAX Triggers with Dynamic Global Content support
- Added: Support for disabling Custom Cursor in certain sections

- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version

- Changed: AJAX Button replaced with AJAX Trigger
- Changed: All the Old Twitter Icons to New X (Twitter) Icons
- Changed: Added RGB Colors for Social Icons Utility Classes

- Fixed: Issue with Incorrect Header Tag attributes
- Fixed: Issue with HTML in Tooltips
- Fixed: Issue with Swiper Slider autoplay

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.2.2 – 30th September 2023

- Added: Floating Mobile Menus
- Added: Sub-Title for Menu Items in Sub Menus
- Added: Button Text & Icons Effects
- Added: Ticker Reverse Animation

- Updated: Swiper Plugin updated to Latest Version

- Changed: Improvements to OnePage functionality

- Fixed: Issue with Menu Hover functionality & events handling
- Fixed: Issue with Menu default current item handling
- Fixed: Issue with Overlay Menu Background
- Fixed: Issue with IsoTope Grid functionality & reLayouts
- Fixed: Issue with Page Transition Background in Dark Mode
- Fixed: Issue with Full Button underline contrast colors
- Fixed: Issue with Pricing Switcher Labels in SAAS 2 Niche Demos
- Fixed: Issue with Primary Menu Trigger not displaying on some Templates
- Fixed: Issue with Slider Menu Classes not updating correctly on Mobile Menus
- Fixed: Issue with One-Page Demos Transparent Header borders

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.2.1 – 16th September 2023

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap Icons to Latest Version
- Updated: DataTables Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap FileUploads Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: TinyMCE Plugin to Latest Version

- Changed: Improvement to Widget Title styling for better readability
- Changed: Improvement to GDPR Cookie Notifications accessibility

- Fixed: Issue with Menu Item Hover JS Events
- Fixed: Issue with BG Overlay Hover JS Events
- Fixed: Issue with JS Error on LazyLoad Plugin
- Fixed: Issue with unnecessary Grid Container initializations
- Fixed: Issue with Adding GDPR to Landing 2 Niche Demo

The Complete List of Changed Files can be found in the Github Respository.

Version 7.2.0 – 5th September 2023

- Added: SAAS 2 Niche Demo
- Added: Home Niche Demo
- Added: Football Club Niche Demo
- Added: Supplements Niche Demo
- Added: Project Niche Demo
- Added: Videographer Niche Demo
- Added: Wine Niche Demo
- Added: Scroll Detection Engine
- Added: Font Size Modifier Element
- Added: Random Tips Element
- Added: Media Action Buttons: Play/Pause, Mute/unMute
- Added: Media Duration Element
- Added: Floating Elements
- Added: Hover 3D Animations
- Added: Class Targets for Viewport Detected Elements for Advanced Customizations and Scroll Spy detections
- Added: Buttons & Select integrations for Pricing Switcher
- Added: Scroll to Tab functionality when activating Tabs using Hash
- Added: More Advanced GDPR Functionality with Accept/Reject Cookies
- Added: 2 New GDPR Templates
- Added: Modal OnLoad Cookies functionality are now only active when using the "Don't Show me Again" Link
- Added: New Form Fields filter to hide Fields starting with Underscore

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: Font Awesome to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version

- Changed: Parallax JS Plugin removed. Parallax now runs on CSS3
- Changed: Cookie Plugin removed. Not it runs on native JS
- Changed: Smoother Exit Animation Effects for Primary Menus
- Changed: Smoother Animations for Off-Canvas Menus
- Changed: Smoother Animations for Top Cart Content on Mobile Devices
- Changed: Vanilla JS Codes for better compatibility on Older Browsers
- Changed: Primary Menus are Uppercase by default, but can be changed to anything

- Fixed: Issue with Countdown not working when using Async JS Lazy Loading
- Fixed: Issue with ScrollTo on Older Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Parallax Images on iPad
- Fixed: Issue with Twitter APIs
- Fixed: Issue with Bootstrap Scroll Spy on all Templates
- Fixed: Incorrect Links to other Templates
- Fixed: Issue with Menu Item Current State not restoring on Document Click for onClick Menus
- Fixed: Issue with Event List Parallax
- Fixed: Issue with Portfolio List Parallax
- Fixed: Issue with Shop Category List Parallax
- Fixed: Issue with Floating Header on Mobile Devices on SEO Niche Demos
- Fixed: Issue with Flip Cards grid not aligning correctly on Smaller Devices
- Fixed: Minor Issues with Portfolio Niche Demo

The Complete List of Changed Files can be found in the Github Respository.

Version 7.1.1 – 6th June 2023

- Added: Additional Tabs Styles

- Changed: Improvements to Owl Carousel Paginations sizes

- Fixed: Issue with Header in Mobile Devices on Academic Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Page Transition FadeIn Animation
- Fixed: Issue with Underliner Element width
- Fixed: Issue with Viewport Detection on Multiple Elements on the Page
- Fixed: Issue with Form Row in Form Elements Template

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.1.0 – 3rd June 2023

- Added: Drone Niche Demo
- Added: Academic Niche Demo
- Added: App-Style Menus
- Added: Underliner Element
- Added: In-Viewport Detection functionality
- Added: Global Variables for Easy Viewport Size detection
- Added: Variables for Search Inputs
- Added: 3 New Footer Templates
- Added: 2 New Shop Layouts
- Added: 1 New Portfolio Filter Style

- Updated: jQuery to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Stable Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version

- Changed: Improvement to JS Loading Techniques
- Changed: Improvement to Async JS Loading
- Changed: Improvement to Owl/Flex Pagination UI
- Changed: Improvement to Active Styling for Grid Filters

- Fixed: Issue with Side Panel Push functionality
- Fixed: Issue with incorrect Icon Content values in CSS/SCSS Files

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.0.7 – 6th May 2023

- Added: Option to enable Cookies on Color Mode Switcher
- Added: Screen Reader Text for Sub-Menu Triggers for Accessibility
- Added: Option to define Parent for One-Page Menu Links
- Added: More CSS Variables for Primary Menus for better Text/Font Control

- Changed: Improved One-Page Menu Active Class handling on Scroll
- Changed: Improved JS function execution handling

- Fixed: Issue with Transparent Header Positions
- Fixed: Issue with Page Transition functionality
- Fixed: Issue with Page Menu Sticky Position on Static Sticky Headers
- Fixed: Issue with Icon Classes in some Templates
- Fixed: Issue with Mobile Menus closing automatically on Touch Devices on Scroll due to window resize event
- Fixed: Issue with Block Content FAQs 3 Template
- Fixed: Issue with Copyrights Link Color
- Fixed: Minor Issues in Niche Demos

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.0.6 – 1st May 2023

- Added: New Header Template - Off-Canvas Overlay
- Added: New Header Template - Full Menu
- Added: New Header Template - Full Border
- Added: New Header Template - Floating Small
- Added: Menu Dropdown Style - Blur
- Added: Menu Dropdown Style - Colors
- Added: Menu Dropdown Style - Dark
- Added: Menu Dropdown Style - Flat
- Added: Menu Dropdown Style - Full-Width
- Added: Menu Dropdown Style - Custom Arrows
- Added: Menu Dropdown Style - Rounded
- Added: Menu Dropdown Style - Shadow
- Added: 5 New Blocks
- Added: Ability to add Custom Arrows for Top-Links & Primary Menu Sub-Menu Indicators

- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version

- Changed: Improvements to JS Functions on Resize
- Changed: Improvements to Responsive Menus & disabling transitions causing Container Issues
- Changed: Improvements to On-Click Menus

- Fixed: Issue with AutoResponder Email encoding
- Fixed: Issue with Responsive and On-Click Menus

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.0.5 – 6th April 2023

- Added: New SAAS Header Style
- Added: New Minimal eCommerce Header Style
- Added: New Directory Header Style
- Added: New Floating Semi-Transparent Header Style
- Added: New Page Title Style - Block
- Added: New Page Title Style - Fancy
- Added: New Page Title Style - Fancy Alt
- Added: New Page Title Style - Boxes
- Added: New Page Title Style - Sticky
- Added: New Page Title Style - Bold
- Added: New Page Title Style - Blog
- Added: New Page Title Style - Shop
- Added: 6 New Form Blocks
- Added: 3 New Video Gallery Blocks
- Added: 2 New Video Blocks
- Added: New Contact Block
- Added: New Footer Block
- Added: New Currency Converter Block
- Added: Subscription Form

- Updated: Bootstrap updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Updated to Latest Version

- Changed: Uniform Menu Links across all Templates

- Fixed: Issue with jQuery shorthand in some Templates
- Fixed: Issue with Magnific Popups not closing on some Blocks
- Fixed: Issue with Background Images not properly scaling on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Data Classes not changing properly on Resize
- Fixed: Issue with Mega Menu top position on instances where there are more than one Header Rows
- Fixed: Issue with Lightbox Gallery when loading with LazyLoading

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.0.4 – 25th March 2023

- Added: Option to choose JS Loading Type
- Added: plugins.js File to disable Async JS Loading

- Updated: Bootstrap Updated to v5.3-alpha-2
- Updated: Swiper Plugin updated to 9.1.1

- Changed: Improvements to JS Loading
- Changed: Gulp.js Improvements

- Fixed: Issues with Cookies JS when using on Modal onLoad
- Fixed: Issue with Portfolio Description sizing
- Fixed: Issue with Page Transition Animations jerking

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.0.3 – 19th March 2023

- Fixed: Issue with Page Transitions
- Fixed: Issue with Page Titles in Responsive
- Fixed: Issue with JS Absolute Folders for Plugins Loading
- Fixed: Issue with Subscribe Form in Non-Profit Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Notification in Dark Mode

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.0.2 – 16th March 2023

- Added: Option to set Fixed Content Position on Lightbox iFrames
- Added: Option to set absolute JS Folder Location

- Fixed: Minor Issues with Insurance Niche Demo
- Fixed: Minor Issues with Integro Niche Demo
- Fixed: Minor Issues with Jewellery Boutique Niche Demo
- Fixed: Minor Issues with Landing 2 Niche Demo
- Fixed: Minor Issues with NFT Marketplace Niche Demo
- Fixed: Minor Issues with Podcasts Niche Demo
- Fixed: Minor Issues with Portfolio Niche Demo Light Version
- Fixed: Minor Issues with SASS Niche Demo
- Fixed: Minor Issues with Shop 2 Niche Demo
- Fixed: Minor Issues with Skincare Niche Demo
- Fixed: Minor Issues with Speaker Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Header Semi-Transparent Sticky BG Color
- Fixed: Issue with Sub-Title Menu Style
- Fixed: Issue with Menu Style 4
- Fixed: Issue with Menu Style 4
- Fixed: Issue with Menu Style 5
- Fixed: Issue with Promo Light BG Color
- Fixed: Issue with Lightbox iFrame Close Button
- Fixed: Issue with Lightbox Loading Text
- Fixed: Issue with Overlay Trigger Text Color on Hover
- Fixed: Issue with Theme Color on Dark Mode
- Fixed: Issues with SASS Compilation
- Fixed: Issues with Gulp.js Tasks

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7.0.1 – 14th March 2023

- Added: Support for JS Plugins on File System for Quick Start Editing

- Fixed: Issue with Own Carousel in RTL
- Fixed: Issue with Twitter Slider
- Fixed: Issue with Unicons Font Icons warning
- Fixed: Issue with Charts

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 7 – 12th March 2023

- Added: Skincare Niche Demo
- Added: Podcast Niche Demo
- Added: NFT Marketplace Niche Demo
- Added: Insurance Niche Demo
- Added: Landing 2 Niche Demo
- Added: Jewellery Boutique Niche Demo
- Added: SAAS Niche Demo
- Added: Shop 2 Niche Demo
- Added: Speaker Niche Demo
- Added: Integro Niche Demo
- Added: Portfolio Niche Demo
- Added: 50+ New Blocks
- Added: Refreshed UI Design
- Added: New Shop Example Templates
- Added: Custom Mobile Menu Breakpoint Support
- Added: More Vanilla JS / Less jQuery
- Added: Dynamic Classes Support
- Added: Redesigned Events
- Added: Page Title Restructure and Redesign
- Added: Primary Menu Redesign
- Added: Menu Item Divider
- Added: Lightbox Redesign
- Added: Progress Redesign and New Examples
- Added: Buttons Redesign and New Examples
- Added: Testimonials Redesign
- Added: Toggles Redesign
- Added: Accordions Redesign
- Added: Ticker Element
- Added: Custom Cursor Element
- Added: Copy to Clipboard Element
- Added: Pre Code Languages Element
- Added: Conditional Form Inputs Functionality
- Added: Cascading Images Element
- Added: AJAX Button Element
- Added: Form Labels Redesign
- Added: Dark Toggle Element
- Added: Video Facade Element
- Added: Circle Stack Element
- Added: New Product Quantity designs
- Added: Native Page Transitions
- Added: Cover BG, Pause on Blur & Play on Visible Options for Youtube BG Video
- Added: SPAM Protection from Excessive URLs in Form Submissions
- Added: hCaptcha Integration
- Added: Easy Icons Management by simply importing Font Icons CDN Links
- Added: Completely New Icons from the Latest Libraries
- Added: Restructured SCSS
- Added: CSS Variables for deep customizations
- Added: Multiple Primary Menu Mobile Trigger support
- Added: CSS3 Primary Menu Trigger
- Added: .object-* Utility Classes
- Added: .*-contrast-* Utility Classes
- Added: Redesigned JS with JS Module Support for faster Loading and easy management
- Added: Better RTL Support with RTLCSS
- Added: Better Dark Support with nest-able Dark/Not-Dark
- Added: Logos now support srcset
- Added: Upgraded to Twitter API v2
- Added: Mobile Parallax Background Support
- Added: Gulp.js Workflow
- Added: Github Version Control for Main Package to easily track changes (requires access manually)

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper to Latest Version
- Updated: LazyLoad JS to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: Form Validation to Latest Version
- Updated: Typed Plugin to Latest Version

- Changed: Restructured Document <head> to use Latest Code Standards for <link>
- Changed: Restructured Document <head> to use <meta> Descriptions
- Changed: Restructured Document <head> for a Uniform Stylesheet Structure across templates
- Changed: Restructured Logo Codes
- Changed: Restructured One-Page Scrolling Functionality
- Changed: UI Design & Structural Code Changes for Events Templates
- Changed: UI Design & Structural Code Changes for Portfolio Single Templates
- Changed: UI Design & Structural Code Changes for Portfolio AJAX
- Changed: UI Design & Structural Code Changes for Twitter Feed/Slider Shortcode
- Changed: UI Design & Structural Code Changes for Testimonials Shortcode
- Changed: UI Design & Structural Code Changes for Clients Shortcode
- Changed: UI Design & Structural Code Changes for Tabs
- Removed: jQuery UI Tabs, now uses Bootstrap Tabs
- Removed: Skrollr Parallax JS and made it optional with only handful of Demos/Templates using it (manually loaded)

Version 6.6.5 – 18th October 2022

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery UI + Tabs Plugin to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Table Row Text Color in Striped Table when using Dark Mode
- Fixed: Issue with Mobile Header Sticky on Devices less than 992px in SCSS Files

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.6.4 – 25th August 2022

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version (v5.2.0 Stable)
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: Form Validation Plugin to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Mega Menu SCSS Codes
- Fixed: Issue with Tabs SCSS Codes
- Fixed: Issue with missing Carousel SCSS Codes
- Fixed: Issue with missing GDPR SCSS Codes
- Fixed: Issue with Dark SCSS Codes
- Fixed: Issue with Page Scrolling on Custom Calendar Template

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.6.3 – 19th July 2022

- Updated: Swiper Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap Icons updated to Latest Version
- Updated: TinyMCE Component updated to Latest Version
- Updated: DataTable Component updated to Latest Version
- Updated: TimePicker Component updated to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Copyrights not clickable in Writer Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Mega Menu Container gutters
- Fixed: Issue with Alerts SASS Mixin

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.6.2 – 30th June 2022

- Updated: Swiper Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Fixed: Issue with Header CSS Order in SCSS Files

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.6.1 – 22nd June 2022

- Added: Canvas v5.9.1 with Bootstrap 4.x in the Package
- Updated: Swiper Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer updated to Latest Version

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.6 – 6th June 2022

- Updated: Bootstrap Updated to Latest Version (v5.2.0-beta1)
- Updated: Swiper Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: LazyLoad Plugin updated to Latest Version

- Changed: Removed Intersection Observer Polyfill

- Fixed: Issue with Youtube BG Video not playing on First Slide in Swiper Slider
- Fixed: Issue with Mega Menu alignment
- Fixed: Issue with Breadcrumbs Alignment in Full Width Wide Template
- Fixed: Issue with Sticky Header Alignment when Side Panel Open (Push) in Stretched Layout

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.5.7 – 12th April 2022

- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: LazyLoad Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery UI to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Logo Alignment in Split Menus on Safari
- Fixed: Issue with RTL Menu Offset and Invert Positions
- Fixed: Issue with Obsolete Class in Instagram Plugin
- Fixed: Issue with Critical Vulnerability in jQuery UI Plugin

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.5.6 – 22nd February 2022

- Added: Instagram Access Token Auto-Refresh Functionality
- Added: Option to control Modal Closing on Escape Key
- Added: Woff2 Files for all Icon Fonts for Better Compression

- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: LazyLoad Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: JS Cookies to the Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap Icons to Latest Version

- Changed: Improved Plugin Execution by removing Function Constructor to fix unsafe-eval
- Changed: Font Swap for all the included Icon Fonts for zero second block period

- Fixed: Issue with Form Input Error States on Dark Scheme
- Fixed: Issue with Invalid Classes in Subscribe Form JS Codes

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.5.5 – 21st January 2022

- Updated: Swiper to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: TinyMCE Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: DataTable Component to Latest Version
- Updated: File Uploads Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap Icons to Latest Version
- Updated: Lazy Loading Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: TypedJS Plugin to Latest Version

- Changed: Improved flexibility to change Search/Close Icons to Custom Icons for Header Search Functionality
- Changed: Improvements to Default List Styling

- Fixed: Issue with Tab Content Grid in Travel Niche Demos
- Fixed: Issue with Carousel Items calculation by Responsive Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Swiper Slider initialization issue
- Fixed: Issue with Cart Quantity not working in Quick View
- Fixed: Issue with missing bracket in Buttons SCSS Files

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.5.4 – 26th October 2021

- Added: Styles for Theme Buttons Disabled state
- Added: Option to Enable Pause on Hover for Swiper Sliders

- Updated: Bootstrap to v5.1.3
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Parallax Consistency in different browsers
- Fixed: Issue with inconsistent Header Heights during Sticky State
- Fixed: Issue with Mega Menu Small sizing when using Floating Headers

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.5.3 – 21st September 2021

- Added: Form Input Sanitization

- Updated: Bootstrap 5.1.1
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with JS Event Management
- Fixed: Issue with Grid Layout in Non-Profit Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Video Muting in Bike Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with missing js/plugins.min.js File in Gym Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with typo in .container-fluid

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.5.2 – 10th August 2021

- Added: Bootstrap Icons

- Updated: Bootstrap 5.1.0
- Updated: Swiper to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Easing to Latest Version
- Updated: JS Cookie to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Separator in Meta of Content Cards 6 Block Template
- Fixed: Issue with Animations when in viewport incorrect threshold
- Fixed: Issue with Hotspot Alignments in Hero 11 Block Template

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.5.1 – 28th July 2021

- Fixed: Issue with Bootstrap Border Utility Classes
- Fixed: Issue with RTL: Full Header Dark Borders
- Fixed: Issue with RTL: Featured Box Padding
- Fixed: Issue with RTL: Heading Block alignments

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.5 – 23rd July 2021

- Added: Law Firm Niche Demo
- Added: Kindergarten Niche Demo

- Fixed: Issue with Bootstrap v5.0.2 Incorrect Column Override
- Fixed: Issue with Blog Small Alt Template
- Fixed: Issue with Flex Thumbs Grid
- Fixed: Issue with SASS Variables for Utility Classes
- Fixed: Issue with Mobile Menu off Canvas not closing on One Page Menu click on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with default Page Loading Spinners not displaying correctly
- Fixed: Issue with Heading Block span offset

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.4.3 – 30th June 2021

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version (v5.0.2)
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: LazyLoad Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: TimePicker Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap FileStyle Component to Latest Version
- Updated: TinyMCE Component to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Twitter Icon/Status Text Alignment
- Fixed: Issue with Blockquotes Text/Author Margins
- Fixed: Issue with Grid Layout in Featured Boxes 7 Blocks Layout

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.4.2 – 10th June 2021

- Added: On-Click Menus now adds Current State on click
- Added: Additional Options to Enable/Disable Background Click and Close Button for Modal on Load Element

- Fixed: Issue with Menu Highlighting on Active Section in One Page Menu functionality
- Fixed: Issue with Pricing Switch alignments
- Fixed: Issue with Hero Button hover on App Landing Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Loading Text on Instagram Widgets
- Fixed: Issue with Utilities and Breadcrumbs CSS Imports

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.4.1 – 28th May 2021

- Added: Ability to change Element's classes based on System Color Appearance

- Fixed: Issue with Filter Dropdowns in Products page of Furniture Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Collapse in Product Single inner page of Furniture Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Collapse in AJAX Quick View of Furniture Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Grid Filter Active Filter Text Color when using Custom Colors
- Fixed: Issue with Logo Color change on Adaptive Color Scheme state change

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.4 – 25th May 2021

- Added: Compatibility with Bootstrap 5
- Added: Furniture Niche Demo
- Added: XXL Media Query Utility Classes
- Added: Expire Duration and Path for Modal on Load Cookies
- Added: CSS Vars functionality for Colors in Colors Scheme file
- Added: Off-Canvas Template
- Added: Option to Add Shape Divider manually
- Added: New Modal Sizes
- Added: New Notification Position and Custom Notification Trigger
- Added: Error message validation compatibility for Switch Inputs

- Updated: Bootstrap updated to Latest Version (5.0.1)
- Updated: Bootstrap Select Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Select Splitter Plugin updated for compatibility
- Updated: FileStyle Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Select2 Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Star Ratings Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin updated to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: Animate.css to Latest Version

- Improvements: Improvements to JS Execution
- Improvements: Replaced Toastr Plugin functionality with Bootstrap Toasts
- Improvements: Updated Bootstrap Accordions
- Improvements: Updated Bootstrap Alerts
- Improvements: Updated Bootstrap List Groups

- Fixed: Issue with Menu Links Colors and Sub Menu Container colors when using colors.css in Dark Mode
- Fixed: Issue with Text Rotator in Course Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Header Miscellaneous Errors according to Bootstrap 5
- Fixed: Issue with Bot Check Error in SEO Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Top Bar jump in Real Estate Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Top Bar jump in Travel Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Icon List formatting
- Fixed: Issue with Icon List Colors
- Fixed: Issue with Youtube BG Video in Swiper Sliders
- Fixed: Issue with Modal in Shop Single Sticky
- Fixed: Issue with Page Transition Loader

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.3 – 9th April 2021

- Added: 2 New Form Blocks
- Added: 2 New FAQs Blocks
- Added: 3 New Social Sharing Blocks
- Added: 4 New Process Steps Blocks
- Added: 2 New Navigation Blocks
- Added: 3 New Portfolio Single Blocks
- Added: 1 New Testimonials Block
- Added: 1 New Card Block
- Added: 1 New Gallery Block

- Fixed: Issue with Button Color Set when using Colors Scheme CSS File

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.2 – 18th March 2021

- Added: Finance Niche Demo
- Added: Therapy Niche Demo
- Added: 130+ Block Templates
- Added: Functional GDPR Cookie Settings for Content Blocking
- Added: New Dots, Navigation and Position Styles for Owl Carousel
- Added: Option to accept scrset for Responsive Images in Lightboxes
- Added: Form Events now return data from PHP Response for more Advanced Customizations
- Added: Option to enable Custom Submit functions for AJAX Form while still allowing Default Validation functions
- Added: X/Y Positioning Utility Classes
- Added: Square Sizing Utility Classes
- Added: Text Sizing Utility Classes
- Added: zIndex Auto Utility Class for more control over Stacked Elements

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Validator Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Youtube Background Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: LazyLoad Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: DataTables Component to Latest Version
- Updated: FileStyle Component to Latest Version
- Updated: SelectPicker Component to Latest Version
- Updated: TinyMCE to Latest Version

- Improved: Toggle Functionality to allow Nested Toggles
- Improved: Typography and Design Consistency for Hostel Niche Demo
- Improved: Consistency with One Page Scrolling functionality and Responsive Improvements
- Improved: Consistency with Link Scrolling functionality and Responsive Improvements
- Improved: Formatting for Inputs in Forms
- Improved: Instagram API functionality (experimental)

- Fixed: Issue with Accordion State not changing when collapsible set to true
- Fixed: Issue with Progress Element conflicts
- Fixed: Issue with Page Title Video Containers stacking
- Fixed: Issue with Sticky Footer in Safari
- Fixed: Issue with Thumbs Slider on Mobile Devices in Portfolio Single Full-Width Template
- Fixed: Issue with Tab Images in Bike Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Progress Arrow in Bike Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Spelling Correction in Writer Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Meta alignment in AJAX Quick View in Writer Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Incorrect URLs in AJAX Quick View in Writer Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Form Toggle Buttons in Website Costing Form Template
- Fixed: Issue with Category Alignment on Mobile Devices in Recipes Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Category Margins on Mobile Devices in Recipes Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Flex Sliders on RTL
- Fixed: Issue with Touch on Mobile Devices on Owl Carousel
- Fixed: Issue with Services Grid on Mobile Devices in One Page: Developer Template
- Fixed: Issue with blurring on hover in Clients Grids
- Fixed: Issue with Validations on Templates with Image Hotspots
- Fixed: Issue with JS Errors in Media Agency Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with GDPR Settings not properly aligned on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Revolution Slider missing assets
- Fixed: Issue with Lightbox not working on App Landing Niche Demo on Carousel Items when Loop turned on
- Fixed: Issues with small typo errors in Recipes Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Section HTML5 Video alignment on RTL Layouts
- Fixed: Issue with reCaptcha v3 Template

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.1.4 – 1st December 2020

- Fixed: Issue with Progress Bars not working correctly on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Double Image on expanding the Image in Photography Image Grid

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.1.3 – 18th November 2020

- Updated: Youtube BG Plugin to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Parallax Sections added after Flex Sliders
- Fixed: Issue with minor Javascript Errors due to BigSur Update
- Fixed: Issue with Footer in some Mega Menu Templates

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.1.2 – 13th November 2020

- Updated: Swiper Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Parallax Backgrounds not working correctly if added after Flex Sliders
- Fixed: Issue with Parallax Events Lists not responsive on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Hero Slider not working properly when resizing
- Fixed: Issue with AJAX Modals not resizing correctly on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Top-Bar Social Icons not expanding correctly when using different languages or unicode characters
- Fixed: Issue with Form Processor's SPAM Check not working correctly on Multiple Select inputs
- Fixed: Issue with RTL Styling in Blog Timeline Templates
- Fixed: Issue with some RTL Colors

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.1.1 – 16th October 2020

- Added: Option to add Custom Arrows/Text for Carousel Navigation

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: Better UI Design for Carts on Mobile Devices

- Fixed: Issue with z-index Utility Classes not important
- Fixed: Issue with Card Negative Margin on About inner page of SEO Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Counters not running correctly inside Carousels
- Fixed: Issue with Progress Bars not running correctly inside Carousels
- Fixed: Issue with Progress Bars not running correctly on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Top Cart Content not displaying correctly on Mobile Devices when Mobile Sticky Header active

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.1 – 6th October 2020

- Added: 45+ Templates as Inner Pages for Niche Demos
- Added: 4 Inner Pages for Yoga Niche Demo
- Added: 2 Inner Pages for Freelancer Niche Demo
- Added: 3 Inner Pages for Store Niche Demo
- Added: 4 Inner Pages for Hostel Niche Demo
- Added: 2 Inner Pages for Crowdfunding Niche Demo
- Added: 4 Inner Pages for Coworking Niche Demo
- Added: 6 Inner Pages for Movers Niche Demo
- Added: 4 Inner Pages for Covid Care Niche Demo
- Added: 4 Inner Pages for Non-Profit Niche Demo
- Added: 9 Inner Pages for SEO Niche Demo
- Added: 3 Inner Pages for Articles Niche Demo
- Added: 2 Inner Pages for News Niche Demo
- Added: Example Template for Particles Effect for Sections

- Updated: Swiper Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Better Mega Menus in SEO Niche Demo
- Updated: Enabled Page Transitions in Restaurant Niche Demo

- Fixed: Issues with SASS Files
- Fixed: Issue with Primary Menu Trigger SVG state not changing on Body Click when using Off-Canvas Mobile Menu
- Fixed: Issue with Wrapper Width in Media Agency Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Featured Boxes in IE11

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.0.6 – 15th September 2020

- Added: Community/Forums Niche Demo
- Added: Inner Pages for Landing Niche Demo
- Added: Translate & Scale Utility Classes
- Added: Max-Width Utility Classes
- Added: More Sizes for Rounded Utility Classes
- Added: Z-Index Utility Classes
- Added: Align Wide Utility Classes

- Fixed: Issue with Responsive Tabs on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Inconsistent Window Resize Events
- Fixed: Issue with Parallax Slider not visible on IE11
- Fixed: Issue with Magazine Homepage's Breaking News section
- Fixed: Issue with Appointment Form in Medical Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Pricing Section on Barber Niche Demo on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Pricing Section on Burger Niche Demo on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Long Links in Widgets Links

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version – 24th August 2020

- Added: Flex Slider Standalone Template

- Improved: Sub-Menu Trigger functionality for Mobile Devices

- Fixed: Issue with Modal on Load not working when AJAX Lazy Loading or using Individual JS Plugins
- Fixed: Issue with Slider jumping on Mobile Devices while scrolling on Resume Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Margin in Video Grid in Blog Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Text Rotator Shortcode's Cursor setting
- Fixed: Issue with Menus and Prices in Restaurant Niche Demos on Mobile Devices

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.0.5 – 20th August 2020

- Added: COVID-19 Niche Demo
- Added: Blog Niche Demo
- Added: Typing Animation for Text Rotator

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Form Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Animate CSS Library to Latest Version
- Updated: LazyLoad Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Youtube Plugin to Latest Version

- Changed: Better JS Plugins Execution

- Fixed: Issues with IE11 (Swiper Slider Plugin not supported)
- Fixed: Issue with Radio and Checkbox style 3 icons
- Fixed: Issue with Hover Animations on Infinity Scroll

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.0.4 – 17th July 2020

- Added: Option to choose Slide to start from in Canvas Swiper Slider
- Added: 200+ New Icons including COVID-19, TikTok
- Added: New Social Icons with their Brand Colors
- Added: Overflow Visible Helper Class

- Updated: PHPMailer to Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Scroll Animations sometimes not triggering
- Fixed: Issue with Tabs not activating Window Hash Selected Tab properly
- Fixed: Issue with Split Menus
- Fixed: Issue with Plugin Trigger affecting some Plugin Functionality
- Fixed: Issue with Revolution Slider Premium Full Screen Menu
- Fixed: Issue with Sticky Menus when scrolling up
- Fixed: Issue with Logo on Burger Niche Demos when Sticky
- Fixed: Issue with Slider Features in Revolution Slider in Recipes Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Sub Menus Links on Hover on Movers Niche Demo

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.0.3 – 9th July 2020

- Added: Freelancer Niche Demo
- Added: Cleaner Niche Demo
- Added: Beauty Kit Niche Demo
- Added: Designer One Page Demo
- Added: Parallax One Page Demo
- Added: Tourism One Page Demo
- Added: Forms: Booking Reservation
- Added: Forms: Get Started
- Added: Forms: Coming Soon
- Added: 4 New Mega Menu Example Templates
- Added: 3 New Single Product Example Templates
- Added: More Pricing Examples
- Added: Off-Canvas Mobile Menu Example
- Added: Border Utility Classes
- Added: Shadow Utility Classes

- Fixed: Issue with responsiveness in Recipes Niche Demo Single Recipe Template
- Fixed: Issue with Youtube BG Videos not loading properly
- Fixed: Issue with Tab Content hidden on Bootstrap Tabs
- Fixed: Issue with Invalid CSS Properties in Dark Components CSS
- Fixed: Issue with Carousel In Menus
- Fixed: Issue with Landing Niche Demo Pricing Section Background on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Landing Niche Demo carousel
- Fixed: Issue with Item Color Dots in eCommerce Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Icon Lists in Shop Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Current Menu Item in Photography Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Revolution Sliders not loading on Firefox
- Fixed: Issue with Easing Plugin not loading when using AJAX JS Loading
- Fixed: Issue with Calendar showing Start-End Times
- Fixed: Issue with Range Slider Colors
- Fixed: Issue with Sub Menu Container > Menu Items Colors

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.0.2 – 17th June 2020

- Added: 3 Predefined Header Sizes

- Updated: Improved Header Height Management
- Updated: Bootstrap Filestyle Component to the Latest Version

- Fixed: Issue with Corporate Home invalid classes
- Fixed: Issue with Topbar on eCommerce Niche Demos
- Fixed: Issue with Bootstrap JS not loading correctly
- Fixed: Issue with JS Plugins caching
- Fixed: Issue with JS Plugin Available Class not added if loading the JS Plugins manually
- Fixed: Issue with Content Jump on Header Height Initialization
- Fixed: Issue with Mega Menu Text Rendering
- Fixed: Issue with Responsive Header Classes not working properly on Mobile Sticky Headers
- Fixed: Issue with some JS Plugins not initializing correctly
- Fixed: Issue with Padding Utility Classes
- Fixed: Issue with Sub Menu Link Colors on Dark Scheme
- Fixed: Issue with Twitter Feed Slider not working
- Fixed: Issue with Header on Barber Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Flex Slider Captions
- Fixed: Issue with Page Title Styling
- Fixed: Issue with Flex Slider not working inside Mega Menus
- Fixed: Issue with Filestyle Input in Forms - Job Template
- Fixed: Issue with Transparent Headers with Sliders
- Fixed: Issue with Tabs, Toggles and Accordions open by Default
- Fixed: Issue with Blog Timeline Full Width

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6.0.1 – 9th June 2020

- Added: CSS Imports
- Added: Option to navigate Tabs on Hover

- Updated: Core JS Functions and Plugin Files to allow manually inclusion of Plugins without AJAX Dependency

- Improved: Isotope Function
- Improved: Shape Divider Footer Example
- Improved: AJAX JS loading Functions

- Fixed: Issue with Revolution Sliders on Firefox
- Fixed: Issue with Swiper Slider JS Loading on Revolution Slider Templates incorrectly
- Fixed: Issue with Demo Barber Cart Icon placement in Products
- Fixed: Issue with Transitions of Menu Items in Mega Menu
- Fixed: Issue with Gutters on 3 Columns Shop/Portfolio Templates
- Fixed: Issue with z-index on Floating Header + Top Bar Template
- Fixed: Issue with Janky Animations on IsoTope Grids
- Fixed: Issue with One Page Scroller Function
- Fixed: Issue with Custom Shape Divider after the Slider Area in Burger Niche Demos
- Fixed: Issue with Dots Background behind the Video in Burger Niche Demos on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with One Page Deep-Linking
- Fixed: Issue with Timepicker Component Icons not displaying
- Fixed: Issue with One Page Scrolling on Mobile Devices
- Fixed: Issue with Dots Page Menu Background Colors on using css/colors.css
- Fixed: Issue with Date Time Picker not opening inside Modals
- Fixed: Issue with Mixed Lightbox Galleries
- Fixed: Issue with Products in Carousel Template
- Fixed: Issue with Products in Barber Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Products in Pet Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Products in Car Accessories Niche Demo Inner Page
- Fixed: Issue with Products in Store Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with Products in Xmas Niche Demo
- Fixed: Issue with NavTree Plugin not working
- Fixed: Issue with Responsiveness on Canvas Swiper Slider Grid Templates

The Complete List of Changed Files has been included in the Template Documentation.

Version 6 – 3rd June 2020

- Added: Yoga Niche Demo
- Added: Store Niche Demo
- Added: Hostel Niche Demo
- Added: Crowd-Funding Niche Demo
- Added: Burger Niche Demo
- Added: Landing Niche Demo
- Added: Beauty Niche Demo
- Added: Developer One Page Demo
- Added: Pet One Page Demo
- Added: Yoga One Page Demo
- Added: Portrait One Page Demo
- Added: Articles One Page Demo
- Added: Plan Subscription One Page Demo
- Added: Interior One Page Demo
- Added: Watch One Page Demo
- Added: More Demo Templates
- Added: New and Improved Header Structure for Flexibility
- Added: Shape Dividers
- Added: Hover Animations
- Added: Read More Element
- Added: New and Super Flexible Overlays
- Added: Multi-Row Sticky Headers
- Added: New Header Layouts
- Added: Support For Easy Logo Heights and Menu Paddings
- Added: Extended Multi-Level Primary Menus
- Added: Dropdown Support inside Mega Menus
- Added: Any Content Support inside Mega Menus
- Added: Full Sized Mega Menus
- Added: Search Overlay Layout
- Added: More Flex Slider Design Options
- Added: Async JS Loading
- Added: More CSS Utility Classes
- Added: Gradient Backgrounds and Text Support
- Added: Lazy Loading Support
- Added: Deep Linking Support for One Pages
- Added: New Maps JS Function
- Added: New Countdown JS Function
- Added: 100+ Responsive Enabled Utility Classes
- Added: Adaptive Dark Style Control based on System Settings
- Added: More SPAM Prevention Techniques for Forms
- Added: New Container for Larger Screens

- Improvement: More Responsive and Flexible
- Improvement: Better Grid Support
- Improvement: Better Sticky Header Management
- Improvement: Better Dropdown Design
- Improvement: Better Overlay Menus
- Improvement: Faster Page Loading and Smoother Scrolling User Experience
- Improvement: Better Slider Height Management
- Improvement: Option for Responsive Headings
- Improvement: Better and Interactive Mobile Menu Trigger
- Improvement: New and Improved Mobile Menu with Mobile First Approach
- Improvement: 85% Less JS Codes on Load
- Improvement: Better Portfolio, Blog, Events and Shop Grids with more Responsive control
- Improvement: Slider Structure
- Improvement: Less Bloated Codes
- Improvement: SASS Improvements
- Improvement: Better and Smoother Window Resize Mechanism
- Improvement: Better Common Heights
- Improvement: Better Vertical Middle
- Improvement: Better Typography
- Improvement: Improved Content Dividers
- Improvement: Improved Heading and Title Blocks
- Improvement: Improved Toggle and Accordion Control with Location Hash Control
- Improvement: Improved Masonry Thumbs with Gapping Control
- Improvement: Better Support for Gutter in Bootstrap Columns
- Improvement: Improved Pricing Boxes with New Design Options
- Improvement: Better Top Cart Content Responsive Support
- Improvement: Improved Youtube BG Video for better Responsive and Height Support
- Improvement: Improved Dark Styling

- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery to Latest Version
- Updated: Animate.css to Latest Version
- Updated: JS Cookie Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Flex Slider Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: ChartJS Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Form Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: jQuery Validation Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Youtube BG Video Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Swiper Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: TinyMCE Plugin to Latest Version
- Updated: Datatable Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap Filestyle Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap Star Ratings Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap Select Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap Switches Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Bootstrap Datepicker Component to Latest Version
- Updated: DateTimePicker Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Time Picker Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Select2 Component to Latest Version
- Updated: Rangle Slider Component to Latest Version

More than 100+ Fixes and Optimizations

See Full Changelog

Note: IE11 Compatibility is only available for Canvas v5.9.1 or lower versions.
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