Nicknames of Indian Freedom Fighters, List [Current Affairs]

Nicknames of Indian Freedom Fighters, List [Current Affairs]

India is a country which is known for its vast culture and heritage. The country is the home of so many famous individuals who have left their mark on the world with their famous works. These people are also affectionately called by their nicknames based on their personality, character, or memorable works of their lives….

Russian-Linked Hackers Target Eastern European NGOs and Media – OfficialSarkar

Aug 15, 2024Ravie LakshmananCyber Attack / Social Engineering Russian and Belarusian non-profit organizations, Russian independent media, and international non-governmental organizations active in Eastern Europe have become the target of two separate spear-phishing campaigns orchestrated by threat actors whose interests align with that of the Russian government. While one of the campaigns – dubbed River of…

Gallantry Awards 2024: 78th Independence Day [Current Affairs]

The Central government announced 1,037 medals for police, fire, prison, home guard, and civil defence personnel of Central and state police forces on the eve of Independence Day. Out of 208 gallantry awards, 52 have been awarded to the personnel deployed in Left-wing extremism areas, 31 in the Jammu and Kashmir region, and 17 to those…

RansomHub Group Deploys New EDR-Killing Tool in Latest Cyber Attacks – OfficialSarkar

Aug 15, 2024Ravie LakshmananRansomware / Cybercrime A cybercrime group with links to the RansomHub ransomware has been observed using a new tool designed to terminate endpoint detection and response (EDR) software on compromised hosts, joining the likes of other similar programs like AuKill (aka AvNeutralizer) and Terminator. The EDR-killing utility has been dubbed EDRKillShifter by…

Identity Threat Detection and Response Solution Guide – OfficialSarkar

Aug 15, 2024The Hacker NewsIdentity Security / Threat Detection The Emergence of Identity Threat Detection and Response Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) has emerged as a critical component to effectively detect and respond to identity-based attacks. Threat actors have shown their ability to compromise the identity infrastructure and move laterally into IaaS, Saas, PaaS…

Celebrating India’s 78th Independence Day [Current Affairs]

Introduction: The Significance of August 15, 2024 As the calendar turns to August 15, 2024, India marks a momentous milestone – its 78th Independence Day. This day serves as a powerful reminder of the country’s hard-fought freedom from British colonial rule, achieved on August 15, 1947. The annual celebration is not merely a nod to…

Stories of Lesser-Known Freedom Fighters [Current Affairs]

The Indian struggle for freedom was a relentless war waged by millions of people. A barbaric and atrocious colonial regime aimed to destroy the Indian identity. Indians fought the war for freedom from Britishers for a long time, which was bloody, and turbulent, but most importantly, united them. Even today, Indians are inspired by the…

New Cyber Threat Targets Azerbaijan and Israel Diplomats, Stealing Sensitive Data – OfficialSarkar

Aug 15, 2024Ravie LakshmananCyber Espionage / Data Theft A previously unknown threat actor has been attributed to a spate of attacks targeting Azerbaijan and Israel with an aim to steal sensitive data. The attack campaign, detected by NSFOCUS on July 1, 2024, leveraged spear-phishing emails to single out Azerbaijani and Israeli diplomats. The activity is…

P.M Modi’s Speech On 78th Independence Day, At Red Fort [Current Affairs]

Prime Minister Narendra Modi begins his 11th Independence Day address in Red Fort. He unfurls the national flag for the 11th time in a row from the ramparts of the Red Fort . Addressed the people who are affected due to natural disasters Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his Independence Day address that people’s…

GitHub Vulnerability ‘ArtiPACKED’ Exposes Repositories to Potential Takeover – OfficialSarkar

Aug 15, 2024Ravie LakshmananCloud Security / DevOps A newly discovered attack vector in GitHub Actions artifacts dubbed ArtiPACKED could be exploited to take over repositories and gain access to organizations’ cloud environments. “A combination of misconfigurations and security flaws can make artifacts leak tokens, both of third party cloud services and GitHub tokens, making them…